Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Prime Minister Abe's slip of tnogue

"LDP and DPJ are the only parties that have the ability to carry out the reform, "said Prime Minister Abe on 23rd in the speech on the street of Nagasaki city; he was supposed to say LPD and the coalition party , New Clean Government Party(NK), not DPJ
He retracted it immediately, saying "I made a big mistake, DPJ can never attain the reform, it is only LPD and NK that have the ability to reform." He had been criticizing DPJ
just before this statement: the momentum, it seems, made him misspeak.



 首相は自ら間違いに気付き「大変な間違いがありました。民主党には絶対に改革はできない、私たち自民党、公明党しか改革の実行力はないんです」とすぐさま訂正。この直前まで首相は民主批判を繰り返しており、勢い余って「民主党」の名前が飛び出してしまったようだNikkei net(cash)

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