Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some facts about comfort station in Indonesia

Comfort stations in Indonesia need a special attention because it shows, or at least it is alleged to show women were forced into the brothel and some Japanese were tried and and prosecuted at the war tribunal. There are some people who argue that the only summary of trial record is available, we can not evaluate it appropriately, but I think we can grasp relatively fair account of it.
There is a document that investigated comfort stations in Indonesia.
According to this document on page 115, the incident in Semarang happened in Feb, women were forced to sign the paper written in Japanese, and were taken to comfort stations.
There was a guideline to the effect that women work of their own will, women sign the paper to prove it , women get medical check.
However, the doctor didn't give them medial check, and there was even a case where the doctor raped a woman.
The comfort station was closed about two months later, when a military officer from Tokyo came to investigate the comfort stations, realizing that the women had been forced to work against their will.

This story is consistent with the statement
Jan Ruff O’Herne .
She testified at the war tribunal*1 as a result, one officer was sentenced death penalty and other were sentenced in prison.
Aochi Washio, a private person who run the brothel. was one of Japanese who was tried.
Washio Awochi was tried by the Netherlands Temporary Court-Martial at Batavia for forcing Dutch women into prostitution during the Japanese occupation of Batavia. (253) After the Japanese occupied the Dutch East Indies, Awochi began operating the Sakura Club, which consisted of a restaurant, bar and brothel, all of which was exclusively reserved for Japanese civilians. (254) Awochi initially recruited women to be staff at the restaurant or bar without revealing his brothel operation. Then, once they were hired, he gave them a choice: work as a prostitute in his brothel or be turned over to the Japanese police for imprisonment, deportation or beatings. (255)

Awochi argued that his mistress, Lies Beerhorst, actually ran the brothel and issued the threats that forced these women into prostitution. (256) The court-martial found that Awochi's financial interest and profits were too great, and his relationship with Beerhorst too close, for him to be unaware of the compelled nature of the prostitution. *** Despite Awochi's additional argument that he was compelled to conduct this business at the order of the Japanese government, the court-martial found Awochi guilty of the war crime of "enforced prostitution" and sentenced him to ten years' imprisonment. (258) Awochi is another example of a business person, like many of the industrialists in Germany, who took illegal advantage of military occupation to make a greater profit and thus committed a*2

In 1994, Dutch government concluded that out of 200 to 300 Dutch women at least 65 women were victim of forced that it means it is possible the other women were working of their own will.)

So what this story shows is that there was no policy to recruit women forcibly, rather there was a policy to make sure that women work of their own will, with the understanding on what they will work for.
But there were individual cases where some brokers and some officers acted against this policy.


オランダ女性の事例 末端将兵の行為 すでに厳刑




(2007/03/10 06:09)

慰安所設置は軍の指示 オランダ戦犯裁判判決文に明記 '07/4/11








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